A development application was lodged with Waverley Council on 12 January for a proposed partial demolition and construction of a five-storey mixed-use development at 27 Hall Street, Bondi Beach. The project aims to transform the site, currently occupied by a three-storey mixed-use building, into a modern five-storey shop-top housing development with retail and residential components.
Development Overview:
The proposal involves the partial demolition of the existing structure, which currently houses:
- Two retail shops on the ground floor.
- Six residential units across the upper levels.
The new development will retain the existing front façade of the building to maintain consistency with the streetscape while replacing the remaining structure with:
- Two retail tenancies on the ground floor.
- 17 residential apartments spread over four levels, comprising:
- 2 studio apartments.
- 10 one-bedroom apartments.
- 5 two-bedroom apartments.
- A basement level that includes bicycle storage, waste management rooms, and utility areas.
The development includes in-fill affordable housing, with five apartments (two studio units and three one-bedroom units) designated as affordable housing, leveraging the bonuses under the SEPP (Housing) 2021 for additional height and floor space.
Key Features and Planning Considerations:
- Affordable Housing: Five out of the 17 units are allocated as affordable housing, making up 15.8% of the total floor area.
- Design and Streetscape Integration:
- Retains the front brick façade for heritage compatibility.
- Recessed upper levels and landscaped planters to reduce visual impact.
- Contemporary design consistent with nearby shop-top housing developments.
- Environmental Enhancements:
- Landscaping with deep soil zones and a central courtyard for greenery.
- Rooftop solar panels for energy efficiency.
- Height and Floor Space Ratio (FSR):
- The proposal utilises affordable housing bonuses to exceed the standard 13m height limit, reaching a maximum height of 18.19m.
- FSR complies with the permissible 2.6:1 ratio.
- Access and Parking:
- No car parking provided due to site constraints and streetscape character.
- Bicycle storage in the basement and proximity to public transport ensure accessibility.

Architectual rendering by MHN Design Union
Site and Local Context:
The 583.3m² site is located in Bondi Beach’s local centre, approximately 6.15km southeast of Sydney’s CBD. The area is undergoing a transition, with modern shop-top housing developments complementing the existing mix of medium-density residential buildings and small-scale retail. Nearby approved projects also feature similar height and design characteristics.
Project Team:
- Architect: MHN Design Union.
- Urban Planner: GSA Planning.
- Heritage Consultant: Weir Phillips Heritage.
- Traffic Engineer: Varga Traffic Planning.
- Flood Assessor: RTS Civil Consulting Engineers.
- Landscape Architect: Melissa Wilson.
- Arborist: Redgum Horticultural.
- Geotechnical Engineer: Morrow Geotechnics Pty Ltd.
Next Steps:
For further details or to track the development’s progress, search for application number DA-666/2024 on the Waverley Council’s website.