Premium Residential Apartments Planned for Fairlight Site

A new residential development has been proposed at 33–35 Fairlight Street and 10–12 Clifford Avenue in Fairlight. Lodged on 23 January 2025, application number DA2024/1835 has been submitted to the Northern Beaches Council by Allen Group Developments Pty Ltd. The proposed project includes replacing existing residential structures with a modern, two-building apartment complex.

Overview of the Proposal

The development application seeks approval to demolish existing structures and construct two residential flat buildings on a consolidated allotment. The combined site covers approximately 2,352 square metres, with a frontage to Fairlight Street and Clifford Avenue. The project includes:

  • Fifteen residential apartments, comprising 13 three-bedroom units and 2 two-bedroom units.
  • Parking for 35 vehicles, including 31 residential and 4 visitor spaces, accessed via Clifford Avenue.
  • A stepped design to accommodate the 22-metre slope from Fairlight Street to Clifford Avenue.
  • New landscaping across ground-level and upper-level areas.
  • Stormwater infrastructure improvements.

The development design incorporates a single-storey street presentation along Fairlight Street, transitioning to a multi-storey design toward Clifford Avenue to respond to the site’s topography. The proposed apartments are designed to maximise natural light and harbour views through the use of clerestory windows and strategically placed courtyards.

Artist impression by Platform Architects

Planning and Statutory Compliance

The development is located within the R1 General Residential Zone under the Manly Local Environmental Plan 2013 (MLEP 2013), where residential flat buildings are permissible with Council consent. The proposal aligns with the objectives of this zoning, which include supporting housing supply and providing a variety of housing types and densities.

Height and Floor Space Variations

The proposal seeks variations to the 8.5-metre height limit and the floor space ratio (FSR) of 0.6:1. The maximum proposed height exceeds the control by up to 5.37 metres in some areas, while the FSR is 1.12:1, exceeding the standard by 86.1%. The developer has submitted a Clause 4.6 variation request, outlining environmental planning grounds and arguing the variations are consistent with the objectives of the planning controls.

Environmental Considerations

The site is subject to environmental planning policies addressing:

  • Stormwater Management: Plans detail measures to reduce runoff impacts and manage on-site detention.
  • Foreshore Scenic Protection: Visual impact assessments confirm the development will not disrupt public views of the harbour and surrounding areas.
  • Landscaping: The proposal includes extensive landscaping designed to enhance the development’s integration into the existing streetscape and improve environmental outcomes.

Impact on Neighbours

The application includes detailed assessments of sunlight access, privacy, and view-sharing impacts on neighbouring properties. Measures such as screening, strategic setbacks, and upper-level planters are designed to mitigate potential privacy concerns. Visual impact assessments indicate minimal disruption to harbour views for properties upslope from the site.

Transportation and Accessibility

The development provides parking for 35 vehicles, including 31 residential and 4 visitor spaces, all accessible from Clifford Avenue. Vehicle entry and exit will be in a forward direction, eliminating the need for car lifts included in an earlier approval for the site. This redesign improves functionality and safety while reducing potential traffic congestion.

An independent traffic and parking assessment supports the proposal, indicating compliance with Council requirements. Accessibility features meet relevant standards, with provisions for adaptable housing incorporated into the design.

Community Context

The site is located near the Manly Town Centre, with convenient access to public transport options and amenities. The proposal aims to provide high-quality housing in a location suited for increased residential density. The development’s stepped design and landscaped setting are intended to complement the existing character of the area while addressing housing demand.

Project Team

The development application has been prepared by a team of specialists to ensure compliance with planning and environmental requirements:

  • Developer: Allen Group Developments Pty Ltd
  • Urban Planner: Greg Boston of Boston Blyth Fleming Pty Ltd
  • Architects: Platform Architects
  • Landscape Consultant: Paul Scrivener Landscape
  • Traffic Consultant: Genesis Traffic
  • Acoustic Consultant: Pulse White Noise Acoustics Pty Ltd
  • Heritage Consultant: Architectural Projects Pty Ltd
  • Stormwater Consultant: JN Engineers
  • Arboricultural Consultant: Ezi Grow
  • Access Consultant: Accessible Building Solutions
  • Building Code Compliance: Concise Certification
  • Energy Efficiency Consultant: Credwell Energy Pty Ltd
  • Waste Management Consultant: Senica Consulting Group
  • Geotechnical Consultant: JK Geotechnics Pty Ltd

Next Steps

The Northern Beaches Council will assess the application, taking into consideration submissions from the public during the notification period.

For more information, search application number DA2024/1835 on the Northern Beaches Council website.

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