Affordable Apartments Proposed in Bondi Beach Development

Artist impression by PBD Architects

A new Bondi Beach housing development aims to boost affordable housing options in this sought-after neighbourhood. HSN Property submitted the proposal, which includes 11 residential units at 88-90 Ramsgate Avenue, to Waverley Council on 16 October 2024. If approved, this project will replace existing buildings with a five-storey complex designed to address Bondi Beach’s housing demands.

Project Overview

The development involves demolishing the current buildings to construct a new, five-storey residential complex with 11 apartments. The mix includes one-, two-, and three-bedroom units. Notably, three of these units will be reserved as affordable rentals. A registered community housing provider will manage these affordable units, which will remain at low-cost rates for 15 years to support local affordable housing needs.

Site and Design

The site, spanning two lots and 954.8 square metres, lies within a medium-density residential zone. This part of Bondi Beach features a variety of building types, from interwar flats to modern multi-storey residences. Importantly, the building design follows recent Bondi Beach housing development trends on Ramsgate Avenue, with four main levels and a recessed fifth level to minimise visual impact.

In addition, the design includes extra side setbacks to make the building narrower than local regulations require. This slender profile will reduce visual impact on surrounding buildings. Furthermore, the landscaping plan includes over 1,300 new plants, such as trees and palms, to increase green space and biodiversity. The site also includes deep soil zones to comply with council landscaping requirements.

Environmental Sustainability Features

Environmental sustainability stands as a central feature of this new Bondi Beach housing development. For example, the project meets BASIX certification standards and achieves a 6.6-star NatHERS thermal performance rating. Moreover, the stormwater management plan uses water-permeable surfaces and onsite stormwater retention to limit runoff. In addition, a dedicated basement waste area will manage recycling and waste storage. A recent geotechnical report confirms that the site can support safe excavation and underground construction.

Parking and Access

The Bondi Beach housing development will offer two basement levels of parking with 16 spaces. This includes designated areas for residents, visitors, and EV charging. In addition, motorcycle and bicycle storage will be available, supporting sustainable transport options. For added convenience, beachgoers will find surfboard racks and an outdoor shower.

Affordable Housing and Community Benefits

Under SEPP Housing 2021, the project qualifies for a 30% increase in height and floor space ratio. As a result, the building can reach a height of 16.25 metres, exceeding the standard height by only 600mm for the lift overrun and plant screen. This additional height supports the goal of providing more affordable housing in Bondi Beach, aligning with state planning policy and council guidelines.

Project Team

  • Developer: HSN Property
  • Urban Planner: LK Planning (Statement of Environmental Effects)
  • Architect: PBD Architects
  • Arboricultural Consultant: Botanics Tree Wise People Pty Ltd
  • BASIX Certification: Bonnefin Consulting Pty Ltd
  • BCA and Accessibility: Building Innovations Australia
  • Geotechnical Engineering: Rapid Geo
  • Landscape Architect: Bates Landscape
  • Quantity Surveyor: Coutts Cost Consulting
  • Stormwater Management: ITM Design
  • Traffic and Parking Consultant: CJP Consulting Engineers

For more information, search application number 24035 on the Waverley Council website.

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