Artistic Impression by DKO
LFD Developments has submitted a proposal to North Sydney Council for a residential project at 17 Bridge End, Wollstonecraft. Lodged on 9 August 2024, the application seeks approval to demolish three existing apartment buildings on the site and replace them with a single residential structure.
The Proposed Development
The proposed residential building will include 25 apartments, replacing the current 12-unit structures on the site. The design is intended to integrate with the area’s landscape, incorporating features that consider the local topography and nearby bushland. Architectural elements such as terraces, stone facades, and vertical structures are planned to align with the surrounding tree canopy. This approach supports local planning goals for developments that are in keeping with the environment.
The proposed building offers a mix of apartment types, primarily 2- and 3-bedroom units, with landscaped communal spaces, balconies, and views of surrounding bushland. Additional elements in the proposal include rooftop planters, permeable surfaces, and green roofs. The height of the building is compliant for all habitable areas at 12 meters, with an increase to 15.675 meters at the top of the lift overrun screen due to the land’s slope, for which a minor variation is sought.
Development Highlights
- Building Height: 12 m (top of habitable rooms) – 15.675 m (top of lift overrun screen)
- Unit Mix: 25 units, primarily 2- and 3-bedroom apartments
- Site Coverage: 55%, exceeding the usual 45% limit but balanced with added landscaping
- Landscape Area: 41%, including green roofs and planters
- Parking: 38 spaces, with bicycle and visitor spaces
The development aligns with North Sydney’s R4 High Density Residential zoning, allowing apartment buildings with Council consent. The project’s height variation is noted due to the site’s slope. The proposal also meets relevant environmental planning policies, including the Housing SEPP and the Apartment Design Guideline. Acoustic treatments and wintergardens are included to mitigate potential noise impacts from the nearby train line.
Environmental and Social Considerations
The site is located near public transport hubs, including Wollstonecraft train station within 400 meters, giving residents access to major employment, recreational, and educational centres in Sydney. The project reflects NSW Government housing initiatives aimed at increasing homes near transport infrastructure.
The proposal includes plans for environmental considerations, with the replacement of removed trees and green infrastructure additions. An Arboricultural Impact Assessment confirmed that trees removed will be replaced in the final landscape design, contributing to the site’s existing leafy character. The building also includes bushfire protection measures, compliant with Planning for Bushfire Protection guidelines, using setbacks and fire safety solutions.

Artistic Impression by DKO
Project Team
- Developer: LFD Developments
- Urban Planner: Think Planners Pty Ltd
- Architect: DKO Architects
- Bushfire Consultant: Blackash Bushfire Consulting
- Acoustic Consultant: Acoustic Logic
- Structural Impact Analysis: Argus Pty Ltd
- Arborist: Horticultural Management Services
For more information, search application number 10177671 on the North Sydney Council website.